SKIN DETOX Clay Mask / 10 packs

SKIN DETOX是一款不含香料、不含刺激性精油、不含強烈和高濃度酸性成份的深層潔面面膜,這款皮膚淨化配方,專為敏感和脆弱膚質設計。

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SKIN DETOX集合了控油、淨化排毒、加速皮膚更新、去除壞死角質、疏通毛孔,以及紓緩皮膚等多種功效的面膜,在不傷害皮膚的情況下為肌膚深層清潔,並令其後使用的護膚產品於肌膚發揮全面性功效。事實上,黑頭和白頭其實並不能被所謂的溶解,只能夠透過促進皮膚更新,加速黑頭與白頭褪出來,以及令死皮不會堵塞毛孔而變成毛孔粗大。

全天然成份配方,採用超高純度 USP 級 (美國藥品級品質級別)的高嶺土,並加入銀杏葉、積雪草和竹子等植物成分,有效保濕、消炎和安撫鎮靜皮膚,所以SKIN DETOX做到淨化之餘,亦可以平衡敏感皮膚的需要,特別適合有皮膚問題如牛皮癬、濕疹,同時又遇上皮膚閉塞或者暗瘡問題。

- 溫和而有效的去角質配方
- 為肌膚淨化排毒,導出皮膚中的黑頭、白頭及粉刺
- 汲收堵塞毛孔的多餘油脂,改善油脂分泌過剩
- 鎮靜紓緩受刺激和長粉刺的皮膚


Antioxidant-rich Clay Mask / Herbs Infused Non-drying Clay Mask
For All Skin Types Especially Sensitive and Congested Skin

Fragrance free, free of irritating essential oils and harsh acids – an effective skin purifying formula designed to be used on sensitive and delicate skin that delivers skin detoxifying, oil balancing, and pore clearing actions. Formulated with ultra-high purity USP grade Kaolin Clay and enhanced with anti-microbial, anti-inflammation, and anti- redness botanicals such as Ginkgo Leaf, Centella, and Bamboo, Western formulating prowess is perfected with the natural skin conditioning actions of Eastern herbs.

NET. 0.3 fl. oz. / 10mle x 10pcs
Made in CA U.S.A.

高領土、銀杏茶萃取物、積雪草萃取物、竹子萃取物、咖啡萃取物、乳酸、水楊酸(不含茶樹、薄荷等刺激性精油及香料, 敏感及痤瘡皮膚者也適合使用)

高領土:有效吸收皮膚多餘油脂,並將皮膚的角質、黑頭及粉刺推出, 抑制暗瘡; 軟化粗糙皮膚、去除壞死角質, 為皮膚做淨化。





乳酸:溫和去角質,幫助壞死的角質脫落,同時促進皮膚更生;減輕皮膚因光害導至衰老, 提亮膚色

水楊酸:幫助軟化及去除角質, 疏通毛孔,幫助改善粉刺、暗瘡、油脂粒等皮膚問題

-Key Ingredient Features-
Calm & Soothes:
Ginkgo Leaf, Centella, and Bamboo extract all possess skin soothing, hydrating, and protecting actions to calm congested, irritated, and acne skin

Purifies & Detoxifies:
Coffee Extract and Kaolin Clay to promote skin detoxification processes as well as absorbing excess oil that clog the skin

Renews & Clears:
Lactic and Salicylic Acid in low yet effective concentrations to promote skin renewal and decongest

*Free of: denatured alcohol, parabens, silicones, petrochemicals, BHT and other ingredients proven harmful to skin

-Full Ingredients-
DI Water, Ginkgo Leaf Extract, Kaolin Clay, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Xanthan Gum, Bamboo Extract, Glycerin, Centella Extract, Argan Oil, Coffee Extract, Vitamin B5, High Molecular Weight Sodium Hyaluronate, Witch Hazel Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid.

洗臉後,取一包份量的SKIN DETOX均勻塗抹於面部和頸部, 靜待15-20分鐘,然後用濕棉花輕輕抹走,緊接使用GOD DAG LAB護膚品進行保濕。
(可混合2-4滴SKIN DEW Serum於SKIN DETOX一併使用, 以增強皮膚水分平衡。)

配方師Magic Tips
1:油性皮膚建議每星期使用兩至三次 SKIN DETOX;混合性皮膚每星使用一至兩次;乾性皮膚每星期使用一次, 使用前先用SKIN DEW搽上面, 可減低當中的高嶺土過度吸走臉上油脂的情況。

2:使用SKIN DETOX 將黑頭、粉刺導出後,可用棉花棒或濕棉花, 輕輕推出,然後厚敷SKIN GELÉE為皮膚做好紓緩、修復及保濕。


4:最需要使用SKIN DETOX 的時間:每月月經來前(油脂分泌旺盛)、化濃妝後、戶外活動後

Apply generously over face and neck and leave on for 15-20 minutes, before removing with damp cotton and following with your God Dag Lab skin care routine.
To boost skin hydration, add 2-4 drops of GOD DAG LAB SKIN DEW to enhance skin moisture balance.

For external use only
Avoid contact with eyes
Keep out of reach of children