SKIN MICELLAR Botanical Micellar Makeup Remover

SKIN MICELLAR 不是純水,也不是純油卸妝產品,而是兼含水溶性及油溶性的Micellar water,不含任何酒精、礦物油和矽等等有害肌膚的物質。只要於潔面前先用卸妝水溫和卸下臉上污垢、防曬霜及化妝品等污染物,便能避免毛孔堵塞。

$380.00 Save
Size 150ml
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SKIN MICELLAR 卸妝水質感輕盈,不含任何酒精、礦物油和矽等等有害肌膚的物質。只要於潔面前先用卸妝水溫和卸下臉上污垢、防曬霜及化妝品等污染物,便能避免毛孔堵塞。

SKIN MICELLAR是兼含水溶性及油溶性的Micellar water。配方使用了具紓緩和保濕功效的蘆薈葉汁、抗氧化的黃瓜萃取物、淨化毛孔的金縷梅、提供鎮靜功效的金盞花,以及清爽的甜橙和橙花精油,可加強肌膚淨化力,並帶來煥然一新的感覺。卸妝以外,SKIN MICELLAR亦為肌膚帶來保護和滋潤功效。



For All Skin Types Especially Sensitive and Congested Skin

A water-based and botanical rich makeup removing formula designed to offer a lightweight and gentle makeup purifying experience. Free of mineral oils and silicones, the SKIN MICELLAR is a natural solution powered by skin soothing Aloe Vera Juice, anti-oxidizing Cucumber Extract, pore purifying Witch Hazel, as well as calming Calendula to deliver additional benefits to the skin on top of removing makeup. With a touch of the refreshing Sweet Orange and Neroli Essential Oils, this formula enhances your skin purifying ritual with an uplifting sensation.

NET. 5 fl. oz. / 150mle
Made in CA U.S.A.

Micellar Water 淨膚水、非酒精金縷梅萃取物、金盞花萃取物、蘆薈萃取物、黃瓜萃取物

Micellar Water 淨膚水:
由親水性和親油性成分組成的特殊分子,可同時去除油性和水性化妝品。相比傳統卸妝油和卸妝膏,Micellar Water質感很輕盈;但比水基卸妝液在皮膚滑動時更見柔軟、順滑。同時,它亦較一般卸妝液中常見的表面活性劑更溫和,成為適合敏感、嬌嫩或脆弱皮膚使用的卸妝成分。




-Key Ingredient Features-
Micellar Water:
a special molecule consisting of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic components to remove both oil based and water based makeup. It is much more lightweight than traditional makeup removing oils and balms yet glides on the skin more softly and smoothly than water-based makeup removers. It is also gentler than surfactants often present in makeup removers, making it a suitable skin purifying ingredient for sensitive and delicate skin when incorporated into a formula of gentle nature.

Witch Hazel Extract:
A natural astringent with anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, calming congestion and inflammation prone skin as it purifies.

Calendula Extract:
A skin soother to calm the skin, with anti-bacterial effects to prevent acne formation often associated with using makeup products containing comedogenic ingredients.

Cucumber and Aloe Vera Extracts:
Natural skin coolers and purifiers, ideal for use in a naturally derived makeup removing product to replace harsh chemicals that can potentially irritate the skin during makeup removal. Maintains healthy pH of the skin after removing makeup.

**uniqueness of this formula: even more so than toner, the makeup remover is most often overlooked skin care product with users compromising ingredient quality for price. Therefore, many makeup removing formulas are laden with chemical ingredients that remove persistent and water-proof makeup products, containing alcohol and/or mineral oil, stripping the skin and/or weighing the skin down and disrupting its surface pH effecting skin health as well as the absorption of the next products in line. This formula is a cocktail of pure botanical extracts that performs the function of removing makeup while preserving the health of the skin to maximize functions of the next products in line.

-Full Ingredients-
DI Water, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Cucumber Extract, Micellar Water, Witch Hazel Extract, Calendula Extract, Glycerin, Decyl Glucoside, Ethylhexylglycerin, Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Neroli Essential Oil

Free of: denatured alcohol, parabens, silicones, petrochemicals, BHA, BHT and other ingredients proven harmful to skin

先用溫水濕潤肌膚,然後將SKIN MICELLAR倒在化妝棉上,直到化妝棉充分沾濕,然後以向上輕抹的方式清潔肌膚,從最濃妝的位置開始輕抹直至完全去除妝容,然後再以SKIN FROTH和SKIN TONIC進行潔面和肌膚調理。

配方師Magic Tips
1:如化了全妝,可以將化妝棉沾濕SKIN MICELLAR上,敷在妝容位置上待5-10秒,然後輕印後抹走;如妝感較濃,則可以重覆以上步驟直至完全去除所有化妝品,然後再用SKIN FROTH潔面,徹底潔淨肌膚。

2:如使用了防曬霜 (防水 /不防水), 都建議使用沾有SKIN MICELLAR 的化妝棉輕抹,然後潔面,確保臉上沒有防曬霜殘留而阻塞毛孔。

3:即使皮膚有敏感、濕疹、紅腫、暗瘡等狀態,只要對橙花和甜橙精油不會敏感,都可使用SKIN MICELLAR。

4:由於日常天然或非天然的化妝品都含有顏料或金屬顏料,當化妝品依附在皮膚表面時,都會加速肌膚氧化。雖然SKIN MICELLAR 配方有加入抗氧化成份的橙花和甜橙精油,若果經常化妝,建議早晚均使用SKIN BEAM為皮膚抗氧化。


Dispense a small amount onto a cotton pad . Gently swipe across the face, focusing on areas with makeup. Continue until makeup is dissolved. Rinse or cleanse afterward.

For external use only
Avoid contact with eyes
Keep out of reach of children