SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask / 10 packs

SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask是一款全能修護面膜,適合每日使用,促進面部血液循環,從而加強皮膚新陳代謝,幫助疏通淋巴及排毒,持續使用以提升肌膚整體狀態。

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SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask是一款全能修護面膜,每種功能都有,a little bit of everything,適合每日使用,促進面部血液循環,從而加強皮膚新陳代謝,幫助疏通淋巴及排毒,持續使用以提升肌膚整體狀態。豐富的草本萃取成份直直達皮膚底層,鎮靜同時修護皮膚,而當中的大小分子透明質酸,可為皮膚強力補水之餘,亦有抗敏降紅、抗氧化、修復表層皮膚的功效。

SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask特別適合在侵入性治療後或皮膚敏感時使用,可以促進皮膚癒合、即時紓緩皮膚不適;同時增加皮膚飽滿感及細緻度,滋潤和柔軟皮膚,加上凝膠質地,沁涼如水。

我們特別按配方師建議將每包Gel Mask設計成10ml大容量,讓女生可以盡情厚敷,甚至照顧頸部、上胸肌膚,以及需要特別照顧的脆弱皮膚部位。


- 全能修護配方──控油、修護、補水、降紅、促進肌膚血液循環、抗氧化
- 持續使用可以提升肌膚整體狀態,增強皮膚免疫力
- 促進皮膚癒合、即時紓緩皮膚(特別適合侵入性治療後或皮膚敏感時使用)
- 提亮嫩膚,增加皮膚飽滿感及細緻度
- 增強皮膚屏障

Super Herbs Enriched Gel Mask
For All Skin Types Especially Sensitive Skin

An instantly soothing and plumping gel mask that provides the skin with below-the-surface hydration, while enriched with an abundance of herbal extracts to infuse the skin with vitamins, flavonoids, humectants, anti-oxidants and nutrients to boost skin rejuvenation. This formula also has skin balancing effects, reducing congestion, inflammation, and breakouts, while also promoting skin firmness and elasticity. SKIN PLUMP especially suitable to be used after invasive treatments to promote the healing of skin.

NET. 0.33 fl. oz. / 10mle
Made in California U.S.A.








-Key Ingredient Features-
Organic Mallow Extract:
treats acne and skin irritation with its incredibly healing properties

Burdock Root Extract:
rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agents

Bamboo Extract:
contains a high amount of water-loving substance known as silica

Indian Ginseng Extract:
composed of a substance known as adaptogens to bolster skin’s resilience against sensitizing agents

Licorice Extract:
rich in a substance known as Glycyrrhizinate to effectively reduce redness

White Camellia Extract:
provides protection to skin against UV induced free radical damage by reducing oxidative stress

-Full Ingredients-
DI Water, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Xanthan Gum, Acacia Gum, Plant-based Diol, Methylethylcellulose, Glycerin, Organic Mallow Extract, Cowslip Primrose Extract, Melissa Leaf Extract, Bamboo Extract, White Camellia Extract, Indian Ginseng Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Ethylhexylglycerin, Licorice Extract, Lemon Balm Extract, Peppermint Leaf Extract, Burdock Root Extract, Bisabolol.

Free of: denatured alcohol, parabens, silicones, petrochemicals, BHA, BHT and other ingredients proven harmful to skin

洗臉後,可以將SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask均勻厚敷面上,靜15-20分鐘,然後以向上打圈的方式按摩臉部,最後以濕棉花輕輕抹走面膜,緊接使用GOD DAG LAB護膚品進行保濕。


*全天然成分配方,SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask開封後需一次使用完畢,以免細菌滋生,影響產品效果與皮膚健康。

配方師Magic Tips
1:因生活習慣/天氣令皮膚缺水,出現脫皮、角質層受損、有乾紋的情況時,甚至是接受面部療程後,可混入1-2泵SKIN DROPS 於SKIN PLUMP 內,配合輕輕面部按摩,增強保濕及修復效果。

・洗臉後,先塗上SKIN DEW Serum,再均勻厚敷SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask,輕輕按摩約3分鐘至50% 吸收。
・在SKIN PLUMP上緊接敷上一片SKIN GLOW Silk Mask面膜,期間可將袋中剩餘的精華液添加到Silk Mask上。(大概25分鐘)
・約25分鐘後,取下Silk Mask後,輕輕以向上打圈方式按摩面部,將停留在皮膚表面的少量SKIN PLUMP 及SKIN GLOW精華液按摩至完全吸收,期後緊接日常護膚程序作最後鎖水。

3:SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask可配合按摩或導入機使用,效果會大大提升。由於SKIN PLUMP有幫助疏通淋巴和皮膚排毒的作用,因此使用後可飲多點溫水,有助將毒素排出體外。

On cleansed and toned skin, smooth on SKIN PLUMP in a thick layer and leave on for about 15-20 minutes. Massage the skin in an upward circular motion for an ultra-soothing and lifting effect. Gently wipe off with damp cotton.

For dehydrated skin, blend 1 pump of SKIN DROPS into mask before use. For enhanced brightening and deep hydration effect, follow with SKIN GLOW after the use of SKIN PLUMP.

For external use only
Avoid contact with eyes
Keep out of reach of children

Please conduct sensitive skin test before use. In the unlikely event of skin sensitivity, discontinue use and consult a physician.

For users who are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your physician before use.