SKIN TURNER Age-rewind 360 Retinol Night Mask / 5 pcs

SKIN TURNER採用快速滲透又溫和的配方,含有高濃度1%的脂質體視黃醇(以納米化微脂囊裝著,能直達皮膚底層),具有多項卓越的功效,讓肌膚回復年輕緊緻的狀態。

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SKIN TURNER採用快速滲透又溫和的配方,含有高濃度1%的脂質體視黃醇(以納米化微脂囊裝著,能直達皮膚底層),功效比傳統非脂質體視黃醇配方高出數倍。這款產品經過驗證,具有多項卓越的功效──能刺激細胞增殖,促進膠原蛋白和透明質酸的生成,從而有助改善皮膚彈性,減少細紋和皺紋的出現,讓肌膚回復年輕緊緻的狀態。

另外,SKIN TURNER有效減輕導致痤瘡的炎症反應,對於擁有油性或易有暗瘡問題的皮膚,能夠做到平衡油脂分泌,減少暗瘡形成,令皮膚保持潔淨清爽。

為了提供最全面的皮膚修護,SKIN TURNER更添加了保濕維他命B5和B3,以及天然桑葚和靈芝萃取物,增強即時提亮的效果,使皮膚瞬間散發自然光澤,同時亦具備長效的抗氧化作用,保護肌膚免受外部環境的傷害。


SKIN TURNER Age-rewind 360 Retinol Night Mask
Skin Brightening & Youth Boosting Accelerator

For All Skin Types Including Sensitive-prone and Congested Skin

Formulated with a powerful ingredient in a fast-penetrating yet gentle form, the Skin Turner contains 1% liposomal retinol that promises multi-fold efficacy than the tradition non-liposomal retinol formulas.

With its proven effects on stimulating cellular proliferation, collagen and hyaluronic production, as well as mitigating inflammatory reactions that lead to acne, this formula is balanced with hydrating Vitamin B5 and B3, as well as natural Mulberry and Reishi Mushroom extracts to magnify it’s instant brightening and long-term anti-oxidizing effects to deliver well-rounded skin benefits.

NET. 1 fl. oz. / 30mle
Made in CA U.S.A.





-Key Ingredient Features-
Liposomal Retinol:
a biodegradable and natural encapsulation of a powerful ingredient to optimize results while reducing skin sensitivity, as liposomal capsule times the release of active ingredients to ensure gradual yet potent effects

Mulberry Extract:
rich in carotenoids and nourishing vitamin E to assist the skin in combating free radicals, reducing oxidative damages, while helping to reduce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and balancing uneven skin tones

Reishi Mushroom Extract:
also known as Lingzhi, - a coveted mushroom with medicinal properties – it is rich in 2 powerful substances – ergothioneine and reduced glutathione – to deliver anti-ageing effects, while boosting the skin’s adaptive ability towards sensitizing conditions and agents

-Full Ingredients-
DI Water, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Cucumber Extract, Glycerin, Mulberry Extract, Reishi Mushroom Extract, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B3, Liposomal Retinol, Mixed Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid, Hydrolyzed Wheat Proteins, Xanthan Gum, Ethylhexylglycerin, Vitamin E

SKIN TURNER只可在晚上使用,孕婦或哺乳期間請勿使用;如皮膚有傷口、發炎、敏感或任何皮膚病亦不宜使用SKIN TURNER。

*想增強滋養效果的話,可以在面膜精華液中添加1-2滴SKIN DROPS精華液;敷完面膜後,以濕棉片將面部擦拭乾淨,再使用鎖水的護膚產品。


配方師Magic Tips

2:如皮膚較乾,可於面膜精華內加入SKIN DROP精華液,加強面膜的滋潤效果,令肌膚更飽滿和有光澤;或者,可在使用SKIN TURNER後使用SKIN PLUMP Gel Mask,即時強效補濕

3:我們不建議同一晚同時使用SKIN TURNER Night Mask和SKIN DETOX Clay Mask,反之,可於第一晚先使用SKIN DETOX,翌晚才使用SKIN TURNER,然後第三晚再使用SKIN GLOW Silk Mask

Use during PM only. Do not use it during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Remove serum from sachet and apply onto cleansed and toned skin in an upward circulation motion. Apply mask sheet onto skin and leave on for 15-20 minutes.

For enhanced nourishing effect, add 1-2 drops of Skin Drops with mask serum then apply. After use, wipe off with damp cotton and follow with your normal skin care routine.
Treatment phase: use 3 times a week on alternating nights
Maintenance phase: use 1-2 times a week; resume Treatment phase as needed

For external use only
Avoid contact with eyes
Keep out of reach of children